Compare Garmin Car GPS Vs Tom Tom

Is the Garmin car GPS the best archetypal to buy? Or should you go with Tom Tom? Opinion seems disconnected amid the two makers, alike admitting Garmin out sells Tom Tom over 2 to 1.

To advice you adjudge amid the two, I'm activity to analyze the Garmin car GPS with Tom Tom. Hopefully, this will accord you a little advice on chief which aggregation and which of their models is appropriate for you.

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Garmin Car GPS

Compare Garmin Car GPS Vs Tom Tom

Garmin sells 50% of the GPS accessories awash in the United States. (To be fair, in Europe Tom Tom is the industry leader.)

There's a acumen for Garmin's ascendancy of the U. S. market. They artlessly accept added models to accept from at added amount points.

I'm not activity to altercate every distinct Garmin archetypal in this article. But I will acknowledgment a few that I like at assorted prices.

In the entry-level market, you accept the Garmin nuvi 200 and the nuvi 350. The nuvi 200 is a accurate entry-level device. It can do aggregate a GPS is declared to (tell you area you are and appearance you how to get to area you're going), but it doesn't accept abounding appearance above that.

The nuvi 200 currently runs about 0.

The nuvi 350, on the added hand, has a few abundant appearance like maps of the accomplished United States and Canada. It additionally can accept cartage and acclimate alerts (with subscription). At alone 0, that's a lot of GPS for the money!

In the average of the market, Garmin has the absurd nuvi 760, which sells for aloof beneath 0. The 760 has a added awning than either the nuvi 200 or the nuvi 350. It additionally has Bluetooth capability, cartage and acclimate alerts, and it can avenue it's complete through your car's stereo system. It additionally does assorted point routing, which agency you can access added than one destination in at a time.

Consumer Reports alleged the nuvi 760 the best all-embracing GPS on the market, recently. I appear to agree.

At the aerial end of the market, there's the nuvi 880. It can do aggregate the nuvi 760 can and additionally has several absorbing cutting-edge appearance that no one abroad has. The nuvi 880 will set you aback a air-conditioned 0, but if you're attractive for state-of-the-art, attending no further!

Tom Tom

Tom Tom doesn't absolutely attempt with Garmin at the aerial end of the market. Actually, no one does.

Where Tom Tom is best aggressive is the low end.

Their Tom Tom One, 3rd Edition can do abundant added than the nuvi 200, but sells for about the same! If I were activity to buy and entry-level unit, I would apparently bounce for the One, 3rd Edition.

In the average of the bazaar there's the Tom Tom GO 920T, which sells for about the aforementioned as the nuvi 760 (0). The GO 920T has Bluetooth and the added screen. It additionally has Tom Tom's own Map Share technology, which let's users absolutely actual Tom Tom's map database.

Personally, I would go with the Garmin nuvi 760, if I capital a average ambit product.

So, my allegory ends up like this: Tom Tom One, 3rd Edition for 0, the Garmin nuvi 760 for about 0, and the Garmin nuvi 880 for 0.

There's absolutely added to apperceive about GPS accessories than aloof this. For one, there's the aggregation Magellan and their accomplished products.

But this at atomic will accord you a start.

What you charge to do now is get on an advisory website area you can browse alone models and analysis out accepted prices.

Compare Garmin Car GPS Vs Tom Tom